Vascular Dopplers

We offer a comprehensive ranges of Vascular Doppler and ABI Systems. Our options include basic models with choice of 4MHz, 5MHz and 8MHz probes, Sterlizable probes. Portable ABI units with 5 and 8 MHz Bi-directional probes, with or without key pads. Our full featured ABI systems have options for Pulse Volume Recording, PPG Probe, Automated segmental studies, Seated ABI for mobility impaired patients, Automatic cuff inflation/deflation system, Photoplethysmography (arterial PPG) for digit pressures and Fully Automated systems that can calculate ABI with just one touch - 3 minute operation. All this back with one of the most comprehensive service.

  1. Vcomin VD320 Vascular Doppler
    ₹17,329 ₹15,472
    Out of stock
  3. Bistos Vascular Doppler BT-200V

    Starting at ₹13,260 ₹11,839

  4. - 12%
    Huntleigh Multi Dopplex II MD2
    Special Price ₹98,246 Regular Price ₹112,000